Moving Your Files from One Canvas Course to Another

Moving Your Files from One Canvas Course to Another

1. Log in to your current course.
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation bar.

3. Choose “Import Content Into This Course” (on the far right side of the page).

4. Choose “Copy a Canvas Course” in the pull-down menu under Content Type. Choose the course you want to copy from the pull-down menu, OR type in the name of the course.

5. Choose either “All Content” or “Select Specific Content”. (If you select “All Content”, the course
will be copied in its entirety, including settings and dates. You may want to adjust the dates in
this case.) Select “Import”.

6. Select the content you wish to copy by checking the box beside it, then click on “Select Content”.


When the copy is complete, you’ll see a “Completed” sign beside it. At this point, the material or settings will be copied to your current course and you can add them to your assignments.

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Article ID: 78983
Thu 5/23/19 10:24 AM
Tue 7/23/19 1:45 PM