Mapping Network Drives on PC (Windows 10)

Tags O Z Network Drive pc

Mapping Network Drives
How to map the O: and Z:drives onto your machine.
Note: this will only work while the machine is on campus and connected to our wifi network.
1. Open This PC from the file explorer (click the folder icon on your taskbar or open your documents,
then navigate to This PC).
2. Click on “Map Network Drive” in the top center of the window

3. Scroll down the drop down menu until you find drive O: or Z:
4. Select both Reconnect at logon and Connect using different credentials
5. Type in the drive you wish to locate. Note that for the Z:drive you will enter your
mikenet username in the folder name, following the example below.
a. O:drive – \\\shared
b. Z:drive (faculty and staff) – \\smcfiles\facstaff$\<username>
c. Z:drive (students) – \\smcfiles\student$\<username>

6. Click finish. Enter your credentials with “mikenet\” before your username.

7. Select OK. The drive should map and be available in the My Computer section.

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Article ID: 71489
Tue 2/5/19 12:04 PM
Fri 2/8/19 10:20 AM