Adding a Different Language to the Keyboard

Saint Michael’s College Erik Lightbody, Manager
Department of Information Technology (802) 654-2020
Updated & Managed by the IT Helpdesk

Adding a Different Language to the Keyboard

You can add many different languages to the keyboard on your computer, to do so, follow
these steps:

1. Open the “Start” menu in the bottom left hand corner of your screen, and choose "Settings.” This will open a new window.

2. Once in “Settings,” go to the “Time & Language” category. 

3. Then Click on "Region & Language".


4. Click on the "Options" button. 


5. Click on "Add a keyboard" and select the language that you wish to add. 

6. To change keyboards, go to your desktop. Hold down the windows key and press the space bar. Then you can select the keyboard that you wish to use. 


Article ID: 55458
Mon 6/11/18 11:30 AM
Fri 3/22/19 1:41 PM