Desktop Exception Approval

The Desktop Exception Approval Process outlines the process through which all requests for new placements, Secondary Devices and requests for Out-Of-Cycle replacements must go through before a computer is purchased


•  Classroom Computer– computer that is dedicated to classroom use

•  Departmental Computer –computer that is shared by department faculty, staff and/or student staff

•  Desktop Lifecycle Replacement –the number of years a computer will be kept in service (aligned with the computer warranty period)

•  Out-Of-Cycle Request– request to replace a computer prior to its scheduled replacement date

•  Public Computer –computer that is available for general use by faculty, staff and students

•  Secondary Device– mobile device or specialized computer aligned with a Teaching Lab, start-up funds, specialized tool, business requirement or grant

•  Teaching Lab Computer– specialized computer housed in a computer lab that is used for teaching and learning

• Technology Procurement Agent –person(s) authorized to facilitate technology purchases; including, but not limited to computers, accessories and mobile devices.

• Thin/Zero Client –device that replaces a desktop computer with a virtual desktop


1. Initiate Request with Technology Procurement Agent

2. Classify request

a. Classroom Computer

b. Departmental Computer

c. Out of Cycle Request

d. Public Computer

e. Secondary Device

f. Teaching Lab Computer

3.  Provide business case for request

4. Identify funding source

a.Request to use Desktop Lifecycle Replacement funding

b. Grant funded

c. Department funded

d. Start-Up Funds

5.  Obtain authorization to purchase

a. ​​​​​​​Requestor’s Department Vice President

b. Information Technology Vice President

c.Grant Manager (if grant funded)

6.On approval, the Technology Procurement Agent will secure the equipment.

7. With the exception of Secondary Devices and Thin/Zero clients, the computer(s) is/are added to the Desktop Lifecycle Replacement plan

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Article ID: 56720
Thu 6/28/18 2:16 PM
Mon 3/16/20 1:43 PM