
It's important to note that while the ADA does not specifically address accessibility issues in online courses/education (it became law prior to the advent of online education), courts have ruled that institutions providing online courses to their students must not discriminate against students with disabilities. That means providing the same educational opportunities to all students. An accommodation may be required but it is so much better to prevent the issue from occurring in the first place. In addition, it has been proven that provided accessibility features such as close captioning benefits all students, not just those with disabilities and/or impairments. Since every student matters, we do well to incorporate best practices for accessibility into our teaching and learning from design to delivery.

Our ADA/Accessibility course/module will provide practical guidance and direction in creating accessible learning opportunities in our digital learning content for all of our students.


Article ID: 71951
Wed 2/13/19 12:13 PM
Wed 4/24/19 2:05 PM