Circ Hub Tech Agreement


The IT Circ Hub, located in Saint Edmund’s 221 A, allows students, faculty, and staff to check out technology for a specified amount of time. Each item you check out has a barcode that is scanned so that it is tracked and associated with you.

By taking an item out of the IT Circ Hub, you agree to take responsibility of the item and understand that the item must be returned on time and in the same condition as when you checked it out. By providing your Knight card upon check out, you agree to be financially responsible if anything happens to the item and if it is not returned in the same condition as when it was checked out. If the item is lost or damaged, you will be financially responsible. If the item is not returned by the specified date, you will be notified via email about the missing piece of technology. If the item is not returned, or not returned in the same condition as you checked it out, a fine will be assessed and added to your student account. The fine will not be removed until the item is returned or renewed. There may be a daily late fee associated assessed even if the item is finally returned. Other borrower classes (faculty/staff) will be billed directly. Violations may result in having your borrowing privileges being suspended at the discretion of the IT Circ Hub.

Many of the devices circulated through the IT Circ Hub, such as laptops and iPads, are shared devices which allow you to log in to your personal accounts. Please be sure to logout of any and all personal accounts including but not limited to Google Accounts, Email, and any apps, before returning one of these shared devices.


Article ID: 57643
Wed 7/18/18 10:19 AM
Wed 7/25/18 9:54 AM