Information regarding information technology security policies.

Articles (13)

Acceptable Use of College Technology Resources - Standards

This document is a reminder to the campus about the policies and procedures that describe the acceptable use of technology resources. The policy itself and the procedures that support the policy have not changed, but the technical environment has changed. The campus should be aware of the possible results of the technology changes

Acceptable Use of Mobile Devices

Saint Michael’s College (SMC) has a requirement to protect its information assets in order to safeguard intellectual property and institutional reputation. This document outlines a set of practices and requirements for the safe use of mobile devices.

Computer Security Standards

These computer security guidelines should help protect you and your computer while you are on campus or remotely connecting to the Saint Michael’s College network. Computer security problems can be a real nightmare, leading to the loss of important data (along with loss of valuable time and effort), loss of access to services, degraded or slow performance and networking, and even theft of personal information.

Data Backup and Retention Policy

Data backup mechanisms help safeguard the information assets of Saint Michael’s College; prevents the loss of data in the case of accidental deletion or corruption of data, system failure, or disaster; and it permits timely restoration of information and business processes, should such events occur.

Data Security Policy

The information security plan at Saint Michael's College is designed to protect non-public and financial information about our students, applicants, alumni, donors, employees and other constituents by developing reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards that:
• Ensure the security and confidentiality of this information, whether electronic or hard copy,
• Protect against threats to the security and/or integrity of such records, and
• Protect against unauthorized access

Electronic Data Privacy Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline the responsibility of the Information Technology Department staff and user rights with respect to the privacy of electronic files and communications stored on the Saint Michael’s College network and institutionally-owned computers and mobile devices.

Guest Wireless Network Access Policy

This document identifies the rights and responsibilities of those who use the electronic information resources at Saint Michael’s College. This includes the
networks, the on-campus information resources including telecommunications systems, and the Internet resources reached through Saint Michael’s College systems.

Incident Response Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline the different responsibilities of the Information Technology department with regards to reacting and responding to various types of network and information security incidents that may occur at Saint Michael's College.

Information Security Acceptable Use Policy

This document identifies the rights and responsibilities of those who use the electronic information resources at Saint Michael’s College. This includes the use of academic and administrative computer systems, the networks, the on-campus information resources including telecommunications systems, and the Internet resources reached through Saint Michael’s College systems.

Retention of Data and Images from the Campus Card Entry System

This policy addresses privacy and information retention issues raised by the College’s collection of video images and log files by the hardware and software that control access to many doors on campus. That hardware and software is known collectively as the card entry system.

Systems Maintenance Policy

This policy addresses the requirement for the information technology (IT) department to protect the college’s technology investments and minimize service interruptions, by performing a variety of network maintenance activities.