Setting Up Inbox Rules

Setting up Inbox Rules in Webmail

To set up rules, or filters, for the emails coming into your inbox, follow these steps:

1. Open your SMC email.

2. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of your email and in the search bar type "inbox rules". Click the link that says "Inbox Rules".

3. A page will open up that shows both inbox rules and sweeping rules. In the inbox rules section, click the plus (+) icon.

4.  A form with inbox rule options will pop up. Give the rule a name, what it is looking for when emails come in and what it should do. For example, a rule could say when emails arrive from, move it to the Person folder.

If you want to set up an exception for the rule, click on the "Add Exception" button and select an option from the drop down menu that appears.Be sure to click OK to save your work!

5. Once your rule is created, you can activate or deactivate the rule by checking or unchecking the box next to your rule. With the rule selected, you can edit it by clicking the pencil icon or delete it by clicking the garbage can icon. Once you have everything set the way you want it, be sure to click the save button!


Article ID: 62747
Fri 9/21/18 11:26 AM
Wed 9/26/18 11:22 AM